Monday, November 11, 2013

2 Months!!

So my little guy is now 2 months old!! Actually now he's 2 and a half but i'm a little late in this post. I did my best to take some 2 months pics like everyone does with an object, and I hope to keep doing it every month. We'll see if I can stay on top of it!

At his 2 month doctor's visit they told us that he is in the 12th percentile for his weight, and the 75th percentile for his head size and his length. He had to get some shots at his visit... luckily Rory was able to come with me so I was able to leave the room for that part. :) As this is essentially my journal for Ashton I'm going to share a few things about him.
  • He smiles a ton, especially right after he eats.
  • He loves to stand up, with our help of course, and he'll start crying sometimes when we put him down when our arms get tired.
  • He was breastfeeding, but then started screaming and not latching on, so now we do bottles and I am pumping, yes, every 3 hours.
  • The longest he's gone at night in between feedings is 7 hours, which I think is pretty good. That's definitely not a consistent thing though. Usually its either 5 or 6 hours.
  • He's finally learned how to sleep in his own bed at night (well the pack n play in our room). We struggle sleeping elsewhere for our naps... if we hold him he takes hour and a half naps, if we put him down somewhere he only lasts 20-40 mins. We're currently working on that.
  • He loves his baths, until he has to get out, then he screams... especially when we put lotion on him. But magically, the last two times we've bathed him he hasn't screamed at all. We're hoping this will continue.
  • He's starting to seem kind of interested in toys, as long as they are bright colors.
  • He belly laughs in his sleep, and one time he even laughed out loud. But that has still only happened once.
  • When he's waking up he shakes his fist, its pretty funny.
  • He drools like crazy already! The doctor said this could either be because he is already teething, or because his brain is developing quicker and he realizes that he likes the feeling of his lips and the wetness on his lips.
That's our little Ashton man right now. Here are some fun pics we've taken lately.

This one isn't a great pic, but this was his first time wearing shoes!! He looked pretty dang cute!
Laurie was able to come visit us again! We love when she comes to visit! She is always super helpful with Ashton, makes us go on a date, and Ashton seems to absolutely love her!

For Halloween we were not festive at all. Our ward had a Trunk or Treat, but we just thought that is a place with lots of kids that undoubtedly are carrying lots of germs and sickness. So we chose to stay in and just hang out. Rory's boss though wanted their team to dress up for work, so he chose to be a country music star. Sounds like he even sang some songs for people at work!

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