Monday, December 9, 2013

3 Months and Thanksgiving!!

So Ashton is now 3 months old, so I wanted to share his 3 month pictures and just write a little about what he's been up to lately.
He's getting pretty big. So as for what he's been up to lately...
  • He loves getting his clothes taken off, he actually laughed out loud on his 3 month birthday when I was taking his arms out of his sleeves. He thinks its pretty funny.
  • He officially loves his baths now. Its much funner to bathe him now that he doesn't scream at us the whole time! :)
  • He is very interested in his toys now and grabs them if you put them near his hands. He doesn't quite reach for them yet.
  • He's decided again that he doesn't like sleeping in his own bed, that's something we are working on.
  • He's doing much better at taking good naps somewhere other than our arms.
  • He still drools like crazy, I hear that's something that he gets from his dad. :)
Well that's all I can really think of for now. As for our Thanksgiving, we went to Utah. We stayed with my parents for a night, then were with Rory's family the rest of the week. We had a great time! Thanksgiving was delicious and fun to see all of Rory's family. Ashton absolutely loved his cousins, he would just sit and watch them and they loved to come play with him. It was pretty adorable! Hopefully he and his cousins will be great friends! We were also able to bless Ashton while we were there. And we attended the Vernon Family Christmas Party. Ashton got to meet Santa for the first time. Now for picture overload!

Rory some holiday parties for work that he had to attend. They were Hawaiian themed so he got to dress up so of course I had to take a pic!

Snuggling Aunt Laurie!

Ticket to Ride with Michael and Chelsea!! While Aunt Laurie holds the sleeping babe!

First time Ashton held on to a toy!
Pics from Grandma and Grandpa Ashton's house!
Pics from Grammy and Papa Vernon's, and from Thanksgiving!
We couldn't believe how Aunt Meg's put Ashton to sleep. She was just holding him like this and he fell asleep. No crying or fighting sleep! This pretty much never happens!
Now for pics from Ashton's blessing! Thanks to everyone who came! Ashton did pretty good. He fell asleep right before the blessing, slept thru the blessing, then woke up right after! Rory did such a great job, I just thought it went really great!

4 generation picture! How cool is this!
And now for our pictures with Santa at the Vernon Christmas party!

Monday, November 11, 2013

2 Months!!

So my little guy is now 2 months old!! Actually now he's 2 and a half but i'm a little late in this post. I did my best to take some 2 months pics like everyone does with an object, and I hope to keep doing it every month. We'll see if I can stay on top of it!

At his 2 month doctor's visit they told us that he is in the 12th percentile for his weight, and the 75th percentile for his head size and his length. He had to get some shots at his visit... luckily Rory was able to come with me so I was able to leave the room for that part. :) As this is essentially my journal for Ashton I'm going to share a few things about him.
  • He smiles a ton, especially right after he eats.
  • He loves to stand up, with our help of course, and he'll start crying sometimes when we put him down when our arms get tired.
  • He was breastfeeding, but then started screaming and not latching on, so now we do bottles and I am pumping, yes, every 3 hours.
  • The longest he's gone at night in between feedings is 7 hours, which I think is pretty good. That's definitely not a consistent thing though. Usually its either 5 or 6 hours.
  • He's finally learned how to sleep in his own bed at night (well the pack n play in our room). We struggle sleeping elsewhere for our naps... if we hold him he takes hour and a half naps, if we put him down somewhere he only lasts 20-40 mins. We're currently working on that.
  • He loves his baths, until he has to get out, then he screams... especially when we put lotion on him. But magically, the last two times we've bathed him he hasn't screamed at all. We're hoping this will continue.
  • He's starting to seem kind of interested in toys, as long as they are bright colors.
  • He belly laughs in his sleep, and one time he even laughed out loud. But that has still only happened once.
  • When he's waking up he shakes his fist, its pretty funny.
  • He drools like crazy already! The doctor said this could either be because he is already teething, or because his brain is developing quicker and he realizes that he likes the feeling of his lips and the wetness on his lips.
That's our little Ashton man right now. Here are some fun pics we've taken lately.

This one isn't a great pic, but this was his first time wearing shoes!! He looked pretty dang cute!
Laurie was able to come visit us again! We love when she comes to visit! She is always super helpful with Ashton, makes us go on a date, and Ashton seems to absolutely love her!

For Halloween we were not festive at all. Our ward had a Trunk or Treat, but we just thought that is a place with lots of kids that undoubtedly are carrying lots of germs and sickness. So we chose to stay in and just hang out. Rory's boss though wanted their team to dress up for work, so he chose to be a country music star. Sounds like he even sang some songs for people at work!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Life with our little Ashton!

So life has definitely changed since our last post!! Introducing Ashton Rory Vernon! Born August 22nd, at around 9:20pm, weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces and meausuring 19 inches.

Cute picture right? All thanks to my wonderful cousin Katie!! She was kind and patient enough to take pics of Ashton and our new little family only 6 days after he was born and they turned out amazing. So I'm sure all of you are wondering how the whole birthing experience was for me, especially cause that was like my worst nightmare and I was extremely scared! Here is a picture of me the day we went to the hospital to get induced.

I had to be induced because my blood pressure had been a little high a few times. So we got the call around 9:30 to head in to the hospital. By 10:00 I was all hooked up with the Pitocin flowing. After the IV was in (I was really scared for that) it really wasn't too bad. It was just a waiting game. We just watching movies/shows and read books. Then my doctor came in and broke my water. After that the contractions started getting bad, they really started to hurt! So around 1:00 I got the epidural, another thing I was VERY scared about. I thought I would be able to last longer without the epidural, but I guess I didn't realize how bad it would hurt! Once the epidural was in it was a breeze!! I didn't feel anything! The epidural was totally worth it, I don't know how I would've done it without. I started pushing at 6:00 but I wasn't progressed enough, which was a bummer after we thought all the labor was almost over. I went on Pitocin again and then finally started pushing again at 8:00. I swear my epidural had kind of started to wear off, so it started hurting again. I had to push for about an hour and a half and that was the hardest part for me. It was so extremely exhausting. But Ashton finally made it around 9:20! It was a very precious moment for me to finally see him, know he was okay, and finally get to hold him. We have pics of me and him when I first held him but i'm not willing to put those on here, so we'll just show Rory holding him! :)

Look at that happy daddy! Here is a pic of Ashton on the day we brought him home.

It was great to finally leave the hospital. We were able to stay in Utah at my parents house for a week after our little guy was born so my mom could help us out. And boy, was I grateful for that!! And it was nice to have all the visitors that came by to see our little man. Then it was finally time to come back to Elko to return to a new normal life. Here's a pic of Ashton on the drive back to Elko, he slept the whole way!!

So now Ashton is 8 weeks old. Being parents has been an adjustment, but hopefully we're getting the hang of things. I am so grateful that I am able to stay at home with him. He has been smiling at us lots lately, so that makes the tough times totally worth it! Here's some of my favorite pics we've taken in the last little while.
He actually slept like this with his arm on his face!
When Aunt Laurie came to visit! She was a big help!! My mom and dad came to visit as well but I forgot to get pictures.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Time for another post! So we hit 35 weeks tomorrow, so thought i'd provide another prego pic.

Yep, getting huge! Not sure there's much more room for him to grow in there if you ask me. The doctor says he's doing good, his heart beat was a little erratic at the last appointment so I got to do a couple of other tests, thank goodness my mom was with me! But all the tests came out fine and he's been moving lots since so hopefully there's nothing to worry about. We have another appointment next week so that'll be nice to check everything again just to put my mind at ease. Last weekend I had two baby showers, one with girls in our ward, and one with girls from work. The ward one was really fun, I appreciate getting to know the girls that I'll probably start hanging out with once I am a stay at home mom (only 6 more days of work!!). My boss threw my work one for me. Another girl at work made the cake we had and it was so adorable, I had to take a pic.

Everyone was so generous and gave us so much stuff, it was very humbling to know how nice people have been and continue to be. That's a lot of what has been going on around here. We've been trying to organize all the baby stuff, it's crazy how much stuff they need!! I realize every day how fast the due date is approaching, hopefully we will have everything ready for our little man! Last time we were in Utah together we were able to go to the Lehi rodeo with Laurie and Michael. We took a few pics so thought i'd share those as well.

Don't I have an adorable husband?! And no, me and Laurie did not plan on matching that day. We just do that naturally sometimes. :)