We had lunch at our house after the blessing and had about 50 people here. It was super crammed, but hopefully everyone still enjoyed themselves! I was horrible at taking pictures cause there was a lot going on, but here's the ones I was able to take.
4 generations!! I love it!
Ashton wasn't very happy at me for taking him away from playing with all the kids, how dare I!!
And Kyree also recently hit 3 months! Here's her pictures!
- She had started sleeping thru the night and it was awesome!! I'd put her down around 10-10:30 and she would get up anywhere from 6-8. A couple times I even had to wake her up cause I was getting uncomfortable! Unfortunately she got sick and that all went out the window, but I sure enjoyed those few days of getting a full nights rest!!
- She is a pretty fussy baby except if she can see her brother, then she is a happy camper. She loves sitting in the bumbo still, and is getting more interested in toys!
- She still absolutely LOVES being naked.
- She WILL NOT take a binky no matter how hard i'm trying. I still haven't given up, I usually try numerous times a day, but still have had no success.
- Since being sick she does not like to sleep in the crib or cradle, she likes sleeping in the bouncer.
- She is a massive drooler! I probably could change her clothes 3-4 times a day just because she is so wet from all the drool and spit up. If she's at home I usually have her wear a bib to sort of help with the problem.