Friday, February 7, 2014

4 and 5 month post!

So I obviously missed a month. Our lives have been a little crazy so I've gotten a little behind. We actually moved in January so we've been busy packing, unpacking, house hunting, and getting adjusted to our new life here in Utah!! Rory was able to get a new job in North Salt Lake and started January 12th. We were sad to leave such an awesome company, as Barrick has been so good to us, but we are very excited to be back in Utah by family, and excited to join a new company. Rory has worked at the new job a few weeks now and really likes it! We are currently living with my parents in their basement while we look for a house. House hunting has been a little harder than I thought it would be. We've found a few houses that we've liked but it either hasn't worked out or it ended up that it just didn't feel right. So at this point we haven't really gotten anywhere. But hopefully we'll figure out something soon.

Ashton is now 5 months. Here are his 4 and 5 month pics...
I didn't realize that I had him in the same outfit for both those pics. HAHA!! And just a little bit about our little guy the last few months.
  • He started rolling over. He first rolled over from tummy to back. Then he forgot how to do it for like 3 weeks. He finally did it again and got the back to tummy roll too, but then forgot how to do it again for a few weeks. I think he's finally got it down at this point. I have had to keep a closer eye on him now that he can roll around all over the place. :)
  • He went thru a phase where he peed in the tub every time he got in.
  • He finally is sleeping in his pack n play for all naps and at nighttime. It has been amazing, mostly for me. It took a few nights of crying it out, but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I just think he was totally ready for it.
  • He has started eating rice cereal. He wasn't sure what he thought of it at first. Now that we have added the fruit though he seems to like it and is starting to get the hang of the whole eating concept. He has occasionally fallen asleep while we've been feeding him. See below...
  • He's getting close to sitting up. I think he enjoys sitting up much more than laying on the floor playing with his toys.
  • He can finally sit up in his stroller thus is he much more fun to take to the store these days. :)
  • I'm a little worried that he's becoming a mama's boy. Not sure how we can fix this. I would've thought this wouldn't happen especially now that we are around family all the time.
  • He still struggles eating his bottle a lot of the time. Not sure what the issue is, maybe he just gets too distracted?
  • Lately he's constantly been putting his top lip over his bottom lip. Or he has learned that if he makes noise and taps his mouth that it makes fun sounds. 
That's all for now. As for more pics from the last couple of months. First Christmas...

And now for just some fun pics.