Monday, December 9, 2013

3 Months and Thanksgiving!!

So Ashton is now 3 months old, so I wanted to share his 3 month pictures and just write a little about what he's been up to lately.
He's getting pretty big. So as for what he's been up to lately...
  • He loves getting his clothes taken off, he actually laughed out loud on his 3 month birthday when I was taking his arms out of his sleeves. He thinks its pretty funny.
  • He officially loves his baths now. Its much funner to bathe him now that he doesn't scream at us the whole time! :)
  • He is very interested in his toys now and grabs them if you put them near his hands. He doesn't quite reach for them yet.
  • He's decided again that he doesn't like sleeping in his own bed, that's something we are working on.
  • He's doing much better at taking good naps somewhere other than our arms.
  • He still drools like crazy, I hear that's something that he gets from his dad. :)
Well that's all I can really think of for now. As for our Thanksgiving, we went to Utah. We stayed with my parents for a night, then were with Rory's family the rest of the week. We had a great time! Thanksgiving was delicious and fun to see all of Rory's family. Ashton absolutely loved his cousins, he would just sit and watch them and they loved to come play with him. It was pretty adorable! Hopefully he and his cousins will be great friends! We were also able to bless Ashton while we were there. And we attended the Vernon Family Christmas Party. Ashton got to meet Santa for the first time. Now for picture overload!

Rory some holiday parties for work that he had to attend. They were Hawaiian themed so he got to dress up so of course I had to take a pic!

Snuggling Aunt Laurie!

Ticket to Ride with Michael and Chelsea!! While Aunt Laurie holds the sleeping babe!

First time Ashton held on to a toy!
Pics from Grandma and Grandpa Ashton's house!
Pics from Grammy and Papa Vernon's, and from Thanksgiving!
We couldn't believe how Aunt Meg's put Ashton to sleep. She was just holding him like this and he fell asleep. No crying or fighting sleep! This pretty much never happens!
Now for pics from Ashton's blessing! Thanks to everyone who came! Ashton did pretty good. He fell asleep right before the blessing, slept thru the blessing, then woke up right after! Rory did such a great job, I just thought it went really great!

4 generation picture! How cool is this!
And now for our pictures with Santa at the Vernon Christmas party!